Things To Consider Before Applying For South Africa Work Permit Visa

By: Admin

South Africa offers a wide range of intriguing employment opportunities.

Foreign nationals must have a South Africa Work Visa Permit; the type of visa required will vary on the position being offered.

This article describes the South Africa work visa process to assist people in preparing for their future employment.

Types Of South African Work Visa

The job performed and other factors will determine the visa period. The Department of Home Affairs in South Africa evaluates applications individually.

South African work visas have four types.
  1. General Work Visa

When there aren't any South African citizens or permanent residents who possess the necessary abilities available, general work visas may be granted to foreigners. General work visas are valid for up to five years or the length of the job contract.

Workers should not make travel plans until the Department of Home Affairs has approved their visa application.
  1. Critical Work Visa

The South African Minister of Home Affairs periodically releases a list of essential competencies. However, the South African workforce is thought to be lacking in these skills.

Visas are granted for a maximum of five years.

  1. Intra-Company Transfer

Employees of multinational corporations who desire to transfer from an overseas branch to South Africa are eligible to acquire this visa. The total visa period is four years and cannot be renewed or extended.
  1. Corporate Worker's Visa

When a company employs many overseas workers, they should apply for a corporate visa with proof that they cannot find local people with the required skills.

The certificate can be converted into a corporate visa with a three-year validity.

South Africa Work Visa Requirements

Visa applicants should produce the following documentation to a Visa Facilitation Center (VFC) or the nearest South African Embassy.
  • Form for a standard work visa that has been filled out and signed.
  • An authentic passport.
  • Evidence of financial ability to cover applicant's living costs till receiving salary: bank records, money, or traveler's checks.
  • Health records.
  • Certificate of police clearance from every nation the applicant has been in for 12 months or longer since turning 18.
  • Certificate of vaccination, if necessary.
  • Payment options for the charge.

South Africa work visa new rules 2022

  • South Africa implemented provisions to allow visa-exempted foreign nationals to remain legally in the country while other visa applications are processed.
  • The Department of Home Affairs has withdrawn the centralization of adjudication for long-term visa applications, effective September 1, 2022.
  • The updated Critical Skills Visa List was signed and released by Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Home Affairs.
  • Permits issued to Lesotho residents will expire in 2023.
  • Around 178,000 Zimbabweans had got approvals that had expired in 2021.