Everything About South Africa Critical Skills Visa

By: Admin

As humans, we function to maintain a constant balance in our lives regarding every aspect. A small change in our daily routines can disturb the entire schedule, but sometimes it is necessary to bring in changes that can lead to better possibilities. And this is what happened in South Africa?s 2014 immigration legislation revision. This policy has given a specific reservation to individual workers to find jobs easily in South Africa. There are genuine Immigration Consultants that can guide you about everything related to your immigration to South Africa.   What is Critical Visa?This Visa is a policy drafted by the South African department of labor with a precise list of critical skills, and if a person can fit in any of those job criteria or acquire skills that are scarce in Africa and economically in demand, better are the chances of getting a visa.There are six reasons why the Critical Skill Visa is beneficial: 
  • No requirement of having a Job first to get the Visa:
In the past, people who were extremely qualified and could do better to work for the economy and prove to be beneficial did not have the opportunity to work because companies were reluctant to provide outsiders jobs. And most of the companies were not fully aware of the immigration rules, which made it difficult for people with skills to land a job. But with the critical skill visa, you can walk into any interviews you want and acquire assignments that fir in your expertise. 
  • The essential skill list has a broader spectrum:
The menu has over 150 jobs that fit in for various skills that you might possess, so there are endless opportunities to look forward and grab. There are high chances of you landing a job in South Africa if your skillset matches the criteria. 
  • Fair and Equal evaluation:
There are many times when the assessment bases on unfair terms, but you can trust your peers for just and impartial assessment based on your skills. 
  • No competition among the peers:
Previously there were restrictions on specific visas to be granted to one particular industry of work, but with critical skill visas, there is no such restriction, which means no competition between peers. 
  • Find an appropriate job:
Critical Visa grants 12 months for you to find a job before the Visa expires, unlike in previous times when you had only 90 days to land a job. This Visa doesn?t restrict anything, so if you don?t like the post, you can move to find other jobs and find what fits you the best. 
  • Opportunity for permanent residency:
There is a possibility of permanent residency in South Africa if you have gained the experience and have worked for five years. All the information about this will be available with the various immigration consultants who will guide you on how to migrate to South Africa and find dutiable jobs according to your skillset.