New Zealand Immigration- Work To Resident Visas

By: Admin

Work to residence visas offers a temporary stay option in New Zealand during your full employment period for at least 24 months. New Zealand Immigration Consultancy offers two options as a pathway to dwelling in New Zealand during your temporary stay in the region. The first option is that you may be employed under an accredited employer, and the second option is that your occupation may find its name in the Long term Skills shortage list. Let us understand the two types of visas in detail.

Employment under an accredited employer- Talent work visa

There are more than 1000 accredited New Zealand employers who employ people based on their talents and skills. If you are talented enough to be employed by any such certified employer, then you may procure a talent work visa. This will be 30 months visa, which will lead to Residence. A person of 55 years or below can acquire such a permit, and after 24 months from his or her job, he or she may apply for Residence from work.  This visa is free of many hassles because your employer, who is "accredited," has already passed many INZ requirements. You may even contact the New Zealand Immigration agents to aid you in this regard.You can also read: Understand Immigration Points for New Zealand!RequirementsFull-time employment for at least 24 months is necessary to procure the visa. You should work under your accredited employer in a specific location, which was mentioned in your job offer. The job offer is the document on the basis of which you had obtained your application. You may even apply for an Essential Skills work visa if you are not satisfied with your earnings.Loss of accreditation by your employerIn cases of any misfortune, your employer loses his or her accreditation, then aid will be proffered to you. You may either work for a new accredited employer or work for a company that is not accredited. The latter would be possible only if you apply for a variation of conditions on your visa.

Long term skills Shortage list Visa

You may procure a Residence visa if your name is listed in the Long Terms Skills Shortage List. In such a case, your application will also be processed faster.RequirementsA 24 month fulltime employment is necessary for you to procure the visa. Your job offer has the details of your employer, location, and duration. Based on your job offer, you will have to work in the specific Skill shortage occupation for the given period and the n the given location as well.Other resident visasGetting other types of resident visas is based on your skills and talents. If you have the proficiency and competency in a declared field like art, sport, or culture and are supported by a reputed New Zealand organization, then you may procure a work visa under talent instructions (Art, culture, and sports). No English requirements are needed for the principal applicant, but their family will need to meet a minimum standard of English to ensure their proficiency in dwelling in New Zealand.