Things You Need To Know While Migrating To Denmark From UAE

By: Admin

If you want to live work or settle in Denmark, then you need to go through this article carefully. It is necessary to know about all the immigration procedures, rules and regulations before trying to move to a new place. Similarly, you should do proper research work before migrating to Denmark from UAE.In Denmark, there is a Danish green card scheme meant for the immigrants. If you want to shift there, you need to fulfil minimum point criteria such as language skills, education, age, work experience and so on. Danish green card scheme will rightfully help you in moving to Denmark from UAE.Scoring 100 marks make you eligible for obtaining a Danish residency permit. This permit is generally valid for 36 months. Such an applicant can bring along his immediate family members with him to Denmark.You can also read: Best Immigration Consultant in DubaiFollowing are the different green card point systems. Have a look:
  • Language point system: An applicant should prove his proficiency over different languages such as English, Danish, German, Norwegian and Swedish. You need to choose any one language.
  • Age point system: If you are interested in migrating to Denmark from UAE, then according to the Danish green card scheme, you will be assigned points according to your age. Those who are 34 years old or below will be assigned 15 points. If you are between 35 to 40 years, then you will be given 10 points. Those above 40 years get no points at all.
  • Education point system: If you have studied outside Denmark, then you need to get your educational documents assessed by Sirius to compare your qualification with the Danish education level. An applicant must at least possess a Bachelor's degree. A Bachelor's degree holder will get 30 points. If you hold one year's Master's degree along with a Bachelor's degree, then you will be assigned 50 points. Graduate degree along with two year's Master's degree you will get 60 points. A PhD holder will get 80 points.
  • Work experience point system: If you have some specific work experience, then too, you will be able to score certain points. If you have 3 to 5 years of work experience in the last five years, then you will earn 5 points. If you have work experience of 1 to 2 years in the last five years, as a researcher, then you will get 10 points. If you have been working as a researcher for the last and have a work experience of 3 to 5 years in the last five years, then you will be assigned 20 points.
There are several Denmark immigration agencies that will help you in having a complete grasp over the immigration system of Denmark. You can choose Migration Consultants for helping you out in this complicated immigration procedure. We will let you know about all the points, rules and regulations in detail and make your immigration process smooth and hassle-free. We are here to guide you in all the formalities and documentation work.