How Can I Immigrate To Germany Permanently?

By: Admin

Many think of Germany as a great country to immigrate to. The reason behind this thought can be the economy, job opportunities, and education system of the country.

If you are looking to shift to Germany, then you must have a strong reason. There are plenty of ways by which you can immigrate to Germany, and take in the following reasons. Read below to know what they are:

  1. German immigration for education
  2. German immigration for entrepreneurs
  3. German immigration for employment
  4. German immigration residence permits
  5. German immigration for family reunions

What will you require to Move to Germany?

Although there are countless ways to move to Germany, and all of them have some definite requisites, there are yet similarities between them. You have to meet the following criteria to qualify for immigration to Germany:

  1. Hold Medical Insurance

You cannot move to Germany if you do not have proper medical insurance coverage. The suggested way is to obtain German health insurance as you can?t be sure whether German authorities would approve foreign medical insurance.

Get more details regarding medical insurance from certified migration consultants in Qatar for Germany!

  1. Proof of Financial Stability

Every immigration intention has a financial threshold that candidates are required to fulfill, but irrespective of intention, the candidates need to prove that they can back themselves while staying in Germany.

Even if you are working there, you should have the initial finances for covering your expenses until you get your pay.

  1. Basic Expertise in the German Language

For living in Germany, you would have to be proficient in the German language. There are 3 levels of language proficiency- A, B, and C in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. There are two parts in each. Language ability is divided into A1/A2, B1/B2, and C1/C2.

For moving to Germany, you would have to take the tests and pass them up to either A1 or B1. For permanent residence, you would require a higher proficiency of C1 or C2 level.

What is a Standard Residence Permit?

It is a kind of residence permit utilized for all immigration intents, as we have mentioned before. This residence permit is valid for some period, and it could be extended.

Also read: How to get Permanent Residence Permit in Germany?

What is European Union (EU) Blue Card?

The European Union Blue Card is provided to international employees who are not nationals of EU countries who are highly qualified and want to work in Germany and apply those skills. High qualifications mean that the individual holds an undergraduate or graduate degree in any particular field. For being eligible for the EU Blue Card, you would require having a job in Germany, and the minimum yearly salary should be 56 800 Euros.

The EU blue card provides its possessors the right to live in Germany for 4 years, with a likelihood of converting their Germany immigration residence permits into a permanent settlement. To be eligible for permanent settlement, the person should prove sufficient German proficiency, meet specific financial requisites, and have worked for over 33 months in Germany.