Best Ramadan Exclusive Offers On Canada Immigration Process

By: Admin

If you want to work in Canada on a permanent basis, and you are eligible to apply for the same, then you can surely get your skilled worker visa within no time and prepare to work in Canada. Though the situation may seem a little different now, the immigration process is surely going on, and you can also get amazing Ramadan 2021 Deals on Skilled Workers Visa.

The process is definitely not very simple, but proper guidance from immigration consultants can help you get your visa in no time. So, if you are really planning ahead for a permanent job in Canada, get ready with your documents and other requirements to get your work visa in no time.

The Main Requirements Include the Following:

  • Experience in a Skilled Working Field: You need to show proof that you have worked in either of the technical, managerial, or professional fields with at least one year of experience. Make sure it is registered in one of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) job groups. Your work experience there should also be within the past ten years. You must have legit documents proving that you have fulfilled all the responsibilities of the job, and the previous job must be similar to the one you wish to seek in Canada.
  • Part-Time Working: If you had a part-time job, you should provide proof of working more or less 15 hours a week, and it should be 1560 hours in total. Also, more than 30 hours a week is not taken into consideration. You can show proof of more than one work experience in a part-time system that fulfills the required criteria. Check out Ramadan 2021 Deals on Skilled Workers Visa for details.
  • Student Working Experience: Your work requirement may be fulfilled by your job experience as a student, such that the work seems to be a paid and continuous one. It should also match the other requirements of skilled work mentioned above. Internships with break timings and a disjointed pattern of work schedule are not taken into account, not even in Work Permit for the UK from Dubai.
  • Language Skills: You need to take a proper test on reading, writing, speaking, and listening to the English and French language. The test is valid upto two years after your test results are out, and you have to make sure that it is valid when you apply for a work visa in Canada.
  • Education: You must have valid documents showing your educational qualifications and mentioning the essential details. You will need the original documents of mark sheets and certificates of all the boards and tests that you have passed. Make sure you present valid identification proof as well.
  • Proof of Funds and Admissibility: You must be able to show that you are financially capable of getting a work visa to Canada. Work Permit for the UK from Dubai can be handled in a similar manner, where you also need to be sure that you are eligible to be admissible to the preferred country- for this, you need to be admissible to Canada.

Thus, getting a work permit for Canada is not that difficult. You just need to be aware of the recent updates and get going. Keep your documents ready and apply for them. You will very soon receive your visa for immigration.