Highest Paying In-Demand Jobs In Canada 2018

By: Admin

If you are someone who is thinking of shifting to Canada on a permanent basis, then you are at the correct spot. Today, we will be sharing the highest paying as well as in-demand jobs in Canada. This will help you in making a logical decision whether you should move to Canada or not this year, that is, 2018. Know More: Best Immigration Consultant in Dubai Sales Representative After general labourers, the position of the sales representative is the second highest job in demand this year in Canada. In this type of job, what you will take home will depend upon the commission you will earn. The more you sell is equivalent to more you make.  Account Manager Next in line is the position of an account manager. Canada is in a desperate need of accountants. As the economy is growing and new businesses being established in the country, someone is required to manage the books. If you are someone from the field of accounts, Canada is a good choice for you.  Business Management Consultants Businesses not only need an accountant but also a strategic advisor or consultant who can help in the growth of their business. You can be an expert in a certain field like hospitality, technology, etc., meaning you will need a business degree combined with relevant industry experience. Best Immigration Consultant in Dubai Check: Reliable Visa Consultant in Dubai Engineering Project Manager As the housing market and infrastructure development are booming in Canada, the demand of engineering project manager is rising too.  The average salary of a person at this position is around $ 125,000 a year. The job is all about managing, so good for lazy people.  Aerospace Engineer Canada is facing a problem of out of date aircraft, therefore it is expected that the aerospace industry will only grow. This will lead to an increase in the demand for aerospace engineers. The highest paying jobs are in the city of Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta.  Business Analyst  Business Analyst uses a combination of financial savvy and tech skills to help businesses streamline their processes and work more efficiently. Fresher Level Salaries are amongst the best in Canada but when you are able to reach to the level of Senior Business Analyst, you will be able to take home around $100,000 per year.  Administrative Assistant The days when administrative assistants were considered only as glorified secretaries are long gone. The demand for this job is increasing at a higher rate in Canada. The people at this job are not only responsible for managing other workers but also possess skills in accounting and tech.  Still planning to move to Canada after reading this article? Migration Consultants can help you with that. We have a team of experts who can help you in getting an employment visa to Canada and also Canada work and live visa. Migration Consultants  is a visa consultancy firm located in Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Visit our website for more information.  Read More: Australia immigration consultant in dubai